samedi 19 mars 2022

C3C Story - ATOMIC TRUCK - Part 7 - English Version

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This story is a fiction

Any resemblance to real or existing people

or situations that have existed or are real

would be pure coïncidence

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Summary of the previous part: DRAGAN managed to escape by car, but he is still pursued by Inspector TENROC and SuperZil...

In the meantime, the authorities begin to evacuate the Westminster district to completely defuse the bomb where radioactive fuel is attached and hidden in a fire engine...

It is then that the Superintendent of Scotand Yard, Jack SMITH, recognizes DRAGAN at the wheel of a car, pursued by TENROC and SuperZil, and decides to pursue him too.

DRAGAN gets stuck in traffic... He steals a second car and drives at full speed in a park, still pursued by our heroes...



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